Beat your foreign competition by using our Certification Mark!
We help US manufacturers beat their foreign competition with our Certification Mark.

Frequently Asked Questions

If we don't answer your question below please Contact Us:

Q. Why should I place the Made In America Content Mark on my products?
A. For the following reasons:

  • Surveys answered by the US consumer tell us:
    • A large and growing number of US consumers want to buy Made In USA products.
    • A majority of US consumers think products that have no country origin on the label are foreign products.
    • A majority of US consumers would choose a Made In USA product over a foreign one.
    • A majority of US consumers would pay more for a Made In USA product than for a foreign one.
  • Also the mark and method of calculation:
    • Comply with the FTC Made In USA standard.
    • Eliminate the confusion regarding the definition of "all or virtually all".
    • Standardize the marking of Made In USA products.
    • For more answers to this question visit

Q. How is the percentage for the Made In USA Content mark calculated?
A. The percentage is calculated by dividing all US material and labor costs by the total material and labor costs of the product and rounded down to the nearest cardinal number.

Q. If we know our product material and labor costs will not change can we use the exact percentage resulting from the calculation?
A. Yes, you can override the rounding function. This is not recommended but if you know with certainty, your labor and material costs will not change it would be truthful. Therefore, as long as you are truthful and can substantiate your claim you would be in compliance the FTC standard.